All BrandBee surveys come from third-party providers, so BrandBee doesn’t have direct control over things like survey outcomes, their duration, earnings awarded, or any technical glitches that might pop up.
As you may see from the examples below there are multiple outcomes you can come across when doing surveys. Such outcomes may affect our ability to reward you with BrandBee cash (as further detailed in our terms of use).
You did it! When you finish a survey, you'll see the screen celebrating your success. Well done!
BrandBee aims to send you surveys that you will be eligible for based on the demographics you’ve submitted when registering your BrandBee account. However, sometimes you can start a survey and the first couple of questions reveal that it is not a good match for you.
You’ll see a quick disqualification screen and will get a shot at the next available survey.
In some cases, the survey provider may, at their discretion, award you a compensatory reward.
Our survey providers keep things shipshape by checking the quality of your answers.
If you completed the entire survey but were disqualified after submitting it, this means your responses didn't meet the requirements, and you will not receive a reward for the survey.
Possible reasons for the rejection may include: speeding through the survey, providing inconsistent answers, failing attention checks, captchas, etc.
Please note that such outcomes affect your quality score and qualification for other surveys.
For tips on acing surveys, check out our survey best practices!
Sometimes, the checks might take a bit of time before you get a thumbs-up from the survey provider. You’ll see your earnings in the "Pending" tab of your Rewards History until the reward is confirmed.
If you have any further questions or require assistance - please contact our Customer Support via email at or by clicking on "Contact Support" on the Profile page in the BrandBee app. We’ll be happy to clarify things for you!
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